What is Death? Is it an end or a transition?

What is Death?

Is it an end or a transition?

September 29, 2015, 7-9 pm
PDF version

What happens next?
Is it an end or a transition?
Are you interested to know the real stories?
Join us for a talk and a discussion on the #1 fear in life
by Rifa Hodgson, Past Life and Spiritual Regression Therapist.

Rifa HodgsonRifa will share audio clips of her regression sessions, real accounts of how her clients described and experienced a transition from their lives and what they have found beyond the veil on the way HOME.
Come with an open mind and bring your questions.

Date: September 29, 2015, 7-9 pm
Tickets: $15
For more information and to register, CLICK HERE.


1414 Argyle Avenue West Vancouver BC V7T 1C2 /ferrybuildinggallery • /FerryBGallery • 604-925-7290

None of the services provided at Adventure into Time and Beyond is intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for medical or mental health issues.
These services are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from a licensed provider.

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