Logistics of Your PLR Session

What to expect

During a Past Life Regression, I will gently guide you back in time to the roots of the experience in question, or to a similar experience(s), to a lifetime, which is relevant to the current life. I will ask specific, carefully selected questions and gather various information.

There are different methods to get into past life experience,
but usually it is done by focusing and relaxing a conscious critical part of the mind to allow access to the subconscious mind, where all our memories are stored.

Following the regression, I set aside some time to “process” your regression experience, to maximize its potential benefits.

Look for landmarks along the path

A broader view

How to prepare

The whole process is very easy and similar to meditation. People do not “get stuck” in a hypnotic state, nor do they “get lost” in their past. Just as everyone can recall memories from their present lifetime, most people also can safely access stored past life memories with special guidance.

All you need to do is:

  • Approach the session with an open mind
  • Breathe deeply
  • Relax
  • Concentrate
  • Follow the suggestions
  • Trust yourself

Some people are satisfied with one session, while others may wish to continue with multiple sessions.

“An absolutely amazing process to help uncover one’s past in a safe and guided manner.”
– T. S. Accountant

“I saw a different me in a different place and time, which stays with me today. You discover your different aspects of you and what you are capable to achieve.”
– Donna S. A student
Medicine Hat

“Past Life Regression work helps me understand my present life!”
– Sam S. Project Manager

None of the services provided at Adventure into Time and Beyond is intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for medical or mental health issues.
These services are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from a licensed provider.

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