Client’s Comments


Rifa, thanks so much for our session. It truly was a transformational time!

I really do feel that my cells are settling into a new position, that trust in the future is so close to the surface now that I can live in it…
I realize I am still settling into it like a feather bed. And you also helped me be more secure in my place in the “whole”. I awake and spend my day more relaxed, and I know that this is just going to get more normal to me each day.

– Robin Wheeler, Roberts Creek, BC

…I was rather surprised at the session, as I really didn’t feel that I had been “hypnotized” until I was asked to answer a question with a “yes” or “no”. The difficulty I found in actually saying a word convinced me that something was up. But I was surprised at how aware I was of everything around me…

– D.J.

I cannot tell you enough how amazing the feeling of freedom I received from the adventure in your chair.

– C.K.

Past Life Regression

Past Life regression testimonial

Sent: Monday, February 09, 2015 2:20 PM

Hi Rifa!

I am sorry I haven’t replied before now
I am so very glad that I did the regressions. … I definitely feel more in control of my decisions and my goals since the regressions. I have found so many similarities from my past life in Scotland that I had carried over to this lifetime.

One thing I remembered was back in my mid thirties, I felt like my life was out of control leaving me disillusioned and very unhappy. I felt like I just didn’t care about myself, my kids and husband. All I did was work and I felt I had no other choice. There were days when I would have been happy to die and leave it all behind. Part of the reason was I had been unable to express myself.

I realize now that I was carrying Georgina’s unhappiness at that period of her life with me in this life. There have been so many other similar scenarios which have just come to me. I have not blamed myself trying now to let it go and move on to better things.

I would definitely like to have another regression down the road so that maybe I can put to rest a few other issues I am sure that are still with me from other past lives My relationship with my daughter has very much improved as well. She was quite surprised to learn we had shared a past life. My girlfriend who also was with me in that life was quite thrilled when she learned we have been together over the centuries.

I have tried my best to answer your questions… the changes are happening daily and quite often I have a moment where I compare the dualities of both lives and think… okay that’s why!

How do you understand yourself better as a result of what you have learned?

I understand what put me on the path I have been on for many years. I have suffered emotionally for years without knowing why. I am working hard to rid myself of any negativity and bring positivity into my life. I realize that I cannot control people and that they are on their own path. I am making decisions with more clarity. I am looking at situations from a different perspective than before the regression. I am much more vocal about issues which is something I have always struggled with.

Sincerely, Robyn M.

Past Life Regression

“One of the strongest residues from the session is the experience of me as a woman, of being “Stella”, and the remarkable qualities I/she has. Most especially her young ability to see life for what it is—as a whole, while being fully in life. To remember where I/she comes from.

How this thought and this action have been thought and acted before, how cycles repeat. Nothing new and yet even so–freshness in seeing and experiencing. This is sweet.

I’ve always been such a man, it’s been intriguing to feel myself not just as a woman, but as a sexual and passionate one, yet at the same time not lost in it, just deeply enjoying it with confidence and with no fear of men.”

– Edward

Past Life Regression

Here is a comment about Past Life Regression via Skype.

(A preliminary session is required to establish an understanding of the hypnosis processes, get use to work with a Skype and build a trust between a client and therapist.)

Hi Rifa,
I just wanted to thank you immensely for my session yesterday. It took me a bit to try and process everything that happened in it. I cannot explain the intensity of emotion that I felt during my session. The feeling and knowing that I was truly there in that life and had lived it was amazing. The only way I can describe the feeling of love and pride that I felt in that life is like your whole body feeling like it is going to burst into a million pieces in every direction and that doesn’t even scratch the surface and do it justice. I have never felt such strong emotions like that in this lifetime and it is so wonderfully amazing that I am still basking in the glow of it this morning. I hope now that I will always remember that feeling now until the day I die. Thank you again for helping me on my journey of discovery and I look forward to working with you again in the future.

– Rов И.

Past Life Regression

“Hi Rifa,

I am doing fine. …. I did some research on “Mahra” my name. Very strange, there is a city in Yemen (in the Middle East) named Mahra. Also, there is an indigenous tribe in this area called the Mahra Tribe. I have no idea if there is a connection here, but it’s quite odd.

I did notice I have had congestion in my chest, a lot of it and it felt very heavy and painful. It’s much less now especially after that session. The rest just made things more clear for me now in this life and how I can’t degrade myself again (which I felt I did in this Middle East last life during the session). So thank you very much! If I decide to come for another PLR session, I will contact you. … Maybe in a few months. I will for sure refer people to you in a heartbeat.”

– E.B., Seattle, US

“All I can say is WOW. Loved the session, very informative and will definitely do another one with you.

– H…r, Queen of the Desert”

Past Life Regression

“Hi Rifa,

During the last session I felt a little guarded and almost skeptical and unsure of what to expect. My focus was easily thrown off for those reasons.

It was not until I got home and started researching information about I had discovered during the session when things started to make more sense.

I found the town of Wembley Alberta and pictures that matched what I was seeing in my head. I read the history of the town as well as its timeline of dates. With that I felt that it was easy to piece together some information that I may have felt unsure of during the session. Some things I may have not even shared with you.”

– I.R.

Past Life Regression

Thanks Rifa!

Actually it is very interesting…I did some research yesterday and I found the library I saw…It was the Philosophical Hall which is part of Strahov Monastery in Prague. The church is also there…all incredibly beautiful! I attached a file,;_ylt=A2KJkCBMOlNSnQwAgKeJzbkF?p=Philosophical+Hall+Strahov+Monastery+in+Prague&fr=greentree_ie2&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&y=Search if you have time to look it is incredible&helljp;

– A…ra

Past Life Regression

I have had 3 past life regressions with Rifa. Each one was a unique trip to a past time and place which I experienced in the person of someone from there. Each session was an adventure or life story that unfolded while I was in a trance and in response to Rifa’s astute questions.

I have a mind trained in “straight-line” rational thinking. I also know, from my spiritual/life experiences, that there is more to me/us than that kind of thinking.
Our minds, when open as they are in a deep trance state, can take us to different planes of reality. To put it another way I believe that my past lives are different aspects of myself. These aspects are not otherwise accessible to me.

If you believe that our minds are not limited to the rational world of material reality, then you can benefit from a past life regression as I have.

– West Coast Lawyer

Past Life Regression

Dear Rifa, The session was amazing! You have taken me to a level of consciousness I did not believe I would ever experience. Your manner and procedures were very professional, ethical and made me feel safe. I am very thankful for the authentic experience of past life I had with you. The experience was real and it evokes deep feelings and strong body sensations that affirmed the authenticity of the experience. I have been reflecting on this experience and I am able to understand fears and barriers I have in my current life as a result of revealing that past life. I wish to have a weekly session with you. I imagine it would be like a through cleaning, purifying, and energizing of my soul. Thank you!

– H.G. Vancouver

…By the way, September 19, 1843 was indeed a Tuesday! Also, later in the day while meditating, I received a clear message about the direction of my spiritual path. Yesterday was an amazing day for me! Namaste!

– B.Q, Vancouver

A Dual Past Life Regression

Rifa, Thank you for your expertise in providing a comfortable and secure environment the wonderful dual past life regression session. Through the regression, I was able to confirm where I lived as a child during the 1930s. Additionally with your expert help, it was possible to confirm that my friend and I met and knew each other during the war. Many of our questions were answered thanks to you. Now that the past has been confirmed I’ll be returning for a Life between Lives session as soon as the opportunity permits.

– Jeffery

Life Between Lives

Hi Rifa,
I have to say that the session was amazing. I received some amazing clarity. What I have gained most from the session was the freedom to be me.

I actually have physically changed. People are asking me what I have done. Why I look different. The between lives part after my second life was the icing on the cake. I was able to feel fulfilled within my own being. Alone! No one necessary. Since the session I have encountered several interesting spiritual adventures and new beginnings.

I cannot tell you enough how amazing the feeling of freedom I received from the adventure in your chair.
One thing was that for the whole weekend after, every time I looked in a mirror I saw the god in me. I was beautiful! Not in any small way. My soul shone through my outer skin.

I was recounting the episode to a friend tonight and the emotions of both lives flooded back to me as well as the between lives portion….Reliving it again.

The other aspect of my learnings was a total release of the guilt around my relationship.  it is over and I have let it go totally. Thank you for that guided tour of the reasons why I mistrusted her.
Since our session, I have gone REALLY deep with some of my friends. Our relationships have grown immensely. They look at me different because I look at them differently.

Once again thank you for this wonderful guided tour of me.
Thank you again.

With Ease and Grace,

– K. C. Ph.D

Life Between Lives

Hi Rifa, wow, where has the time gone ??? Has it really been almost two months since I saw you???  I just wanted to let you know that I am constantly thinking of our sessions and I listened to most of it again. It was amazing. I see the past life regression to come up in my current life all the time. The lesson of taking risks…. And the second one with letting people in, you don’t have to go it alone….. even though it was a great life, it could have been even better. I had forgotten about the moss waterfall, I have a clear image of it now. It was so beautiful.

Thank you so much for the experience.

– Tanya C. BC

Life Between Lives

June 2014

Rifa, I am so pleased to provide you with some thoughts about my life between lives experience, as well as my past life regressions undertaken with you. Where do I start and how do I describe these profound encounters with my soul and my spiritual home? Breathtaking, fantastic, comforting, exhilarating, humbling and inspiring all come to mind as adjectives. Perhaps life lessons are a place to start. I learned, from a past life as a monk, that spiritual leadership should always come from the place of helping others not personal self-realization. I saw a previous life as a wife and mother cut short so that my husband could experience loss and grief, and thereby grow spiritually. And I found out that my lives were not all benign, and, in one particular life, I inflicted suffering and hardship on those who were weaker than me.

My council of elders told me to look past my physical pain, which has been my companion for eight years, to simplify my life so that I might have more energy to enrich lives of others. From them, I understand that my purpose in this life involves sharing my experiences overcoming this neurological pain condition with those persons who may be on a similar pain path as mine.

I know now that I chose the physically difficult life I am in, that my loss of mobility and constant pain are to help me grow as a soul, not only as a human in this earthly dimension. But I have saved the best for last, and for which, Rifa, I will be forever grateful. My husband and soulmate passed away a year ago. Since that time, I have felt his presence, his essence as a soul, support me as I have clawed my way out of overpowering grief. Rifa, you gave me the opportunity to meet with him in our spiritual home, and to once again be immersed in his love. Quite simply, thank you.

– Laurel, Ontario Canada

Life Between Lives

At first all I could think of was “wow”, what a completely wonderful and grace filled experiences each of my sessions were.

My first reaction to my Past life regression which I had first was conducted by Rifa of “Adventure Into Time” who took me beyond my original expectations. She was warm, friendly, completely professional and was very knowledgeable in her field as she lead me easily thru my experiences.

During my past life experience I was able to discover the root cause of an injury that still afflicted me in this life though it initially happened over a thousand years ago during a lifetime in Egypt. Thru regression, I was able to understand the origin of this haunting injury to my shoulder and because of this it no longer disturbs me as it use too. I was also elated to have connected with my personal spirit guide and learn her name and her commitment to my spiritual progression. Her name is “L…a” and has been with me thru other lives too.

I was able to see this life and experience aspects of it as if I was there again even my death but not with any actual pain although I did feel much emotion. I came away from this session with a whole new understanding of myself that made me feel enlightened and positive for its outcome.

A few weeks later, I returned for another session but this one was for a “Life between Lives” experience, which was more in depth and involved than the first so I was glad to have chosen this one second, as I knew a little of what to expect but still I was amazed.

During this session, we begin with another past life, which is the life I experienced just before this one. Again I was able to see myself this time. I was a man living in North America during the 1930’s on the outskirts of a larger city. I was a furniture salesman who had a family and a drinking and anger management problem. I am able to recognize a few family members during this life who are with me in my current life as well. Thru this regression I am made aware that my alcohol addiction is harming my family and is distructive to myself and others but I am unable to stop and as a result while drunk I stumble into the roadway and am killed by a vehicle. As I lay dying I realize I have wasted a good life and I feel remorse and promise to make good.

With L…a by my side I then travel from this body to the next level of the session which is called “Life between Lives” where now I go towards a pinprick of light as I am in what appears to be a hazy place. The light beckons and I follow until the light becomes so bright like a warm sunny day and I feel serene and safe. Coming into what appears to be countryside of incredible beauty and grace. L…a is walking with me to an outdoor area where I can see family members and past pets who have excitedly come to meet me. this I am informed is my Soul Family but I already know that as I recognize so many of them. From here L…a and I walk towards an extremely colossal colonnaded building known as the hall of records where we have come to look over my personal chart, have discussions as others are there and make decisions regarding my next incarnation which is my current life now.

During this time, I am able to meet my soul group’s master guide named Haden who is our senior advisor. Thru these discussions, I am shown how to understand my own soul’s development and progression. What I am trying to overcome and how I can achieve a successful conclusion to this level of learning and ascension. I see how I must learn to battle and win over my insecurities and addiction if I am to ascend higher and my soul family is working from this other dimension to help in my progression.

From here I carry on to spend peaceful time in a spectacular garden before entering a pyramid style building of marble with a crystal capstan which I enter to receive some form of crystal enhanced chakra cleansing. I feel pure, serene and peaceful.

I also have a meeting with a council of elders who present themselves as great beings of light energy. L…a interprets for me and explains the life themes to me. Eight beings are around me and four are off to the sides. This is a group discussion which L…a communicates on my behalf as she has my best interests at heart. There is an incredible aura around these elders that explodes like fireworks of rainbow color for each elder and their own different color and meaning.

The council is pleased with my progressive levels and says I should proceed in the same direction concerning this life challenge if I am to overcome it. We are able to leave. From here I am brought back to the present place and time.

I was shown that my own aura color is now a purple and blue mix with rays of golden yellow. I learned that my present husband is my soulmate and that his soul name is Liam. That my present children have been with me before in other lives.

I was awakened to the immense responsibility I’d taken on in this life and now understand with more brevity the reasons why I chose this course and how these themes play out from life to life. Thru both these experiences I was able to now heal old recurring wounds, past and deep seated angers as well as insecurities because I could now own and acknowledge them openly to myself for what they truly are thus forgiving my body, mind and soul. I now possess a much stronger realization of who I am, my place in this world and how I fit in it, experience and add positively to it. I see my purpose clearly now thanks to Rifa and her wonderful talents and skills.

It’s been great to have a unique opportunity to see where and how I have journeyed thru time, intermingled with my soul family and worked toward personal and group progress. This helps me clarify my cosmic purpose and puts a far greater meaning in my life as L…a reminded me to have more joy, less worry, be tender always to others and myself. That is homework I’m happy to do.

As I delved deeper into a few different epochs of time I became a viewer to my own unique movies that were informative and exciting adventures. I now can honestly say that I can sincerely learn from my past to bring out the best today and still greatly improve my tomorrows for the fantastic mysteries that are my future.

This would not be possible if not for Rifa. Her skill, competence and confidence made this possible and I am grateful and very happy to recommend her good work and talents to others. If your nature is to explore then Rifa will surely help you travel there. Again many thanks Rifa!

Yours truly, – R.M.

Life Between Lives

Good morning Rifa,

After a wonderful weekend, I am doing fine.

Experiencing the LBL and PLR sessions, I am feeling more in touch with myself. Your method of guiding me throughout both sessions was well done and thought out. You were also helpful by helping me get the most of sessions. I enjoyed the sessions very much and found them very illuminating and helpful dealing with my daily life. I would recommend anyone to you who wishes to experience the same thing. Thank you Rifa for your time and energy, you are very good at what you do.

– Susan

Life Between Lives

Rifa, thank you for the wonderful session… The session had a big impact on my daughter and her understanding of the other side and she was amazed to be a part of the details of the story.

– M.P., BC

Life Between Lives

My most sincere thanks for being such an excellent guide through the spiritual world! Your sensitivity, insight and flexibility made by Life Between Lives experience a truly wonderful and most memorable event. It was a real privilege to work with you, and I’m sure that you’re continued LBL work will bring much insight to your clients and light into the world. I arrived home before dark – very tired but VERY happy about all the LBL events you facilitated so well… in fact, you brought out much more information than I expected!

– Howard, WA, US

Skype Sessions

Dear Rifa,

I could say that nothing special has happened in the external world since our last session. But I’m still in a very calm, relaxed and confident state. And it feels wonderful.

I think one of the tricks of our mind is immediately to appropriate the new state and say: “What’s the matter? I’ve always been like this!”

I felt very good when watching and learning from ‘my stone’ during the session. I enjoyed the feeling of being so steady and centered. In addition, it felt like refilling the energy in a quite deep level. The next day I kept holding the image of the stone in my mind. I treated it with respect, as if it was a kind of teacher for me.

I think I’m still learning from it to be confident, calm and accept my being as it is. All these qualities were not characteristic for me in my life.

I’d like to always be able to restore that image in my mind, to get back to that special feeling.

Thank you a lot Rifa for our sessions. I think all these changes will continue to bring new good qualities to my life.

Best Regards, V.O. – Mediterranean

Skype Sessions

Dear Rifa,

It has been an incredible opportunity for me to have meaningful Skype sessions with you without leaving my home. I wouldn’t be able to connect with you otherwise. It was so timely and needed therapy for me. The feeling, o, poor me, is gone completely. What a relief!!! I feel more energetic and grounded. I am feeling more in control of my life and I am sleeping like a baby. My husband mentioned that I am much more pleasant to be around and I am looking forward to make the most with the time we have left together. You have a precious gift, Rifa. Thank you

– Julia B. – Medicine Hat, Alberta

None of the services provided at Adventure into Time and Beyond is intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for medical or mental health issues.
These services are not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment from a licensed provider.

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